First, let's talk about quick wash and go hair for Summer.
Leaving too much water in curls while air-drying will weigh down and elongates curls.
Here are just two methods that could help, (First be sure to apply your stylers to very wet hair)
Plopping Before Air-Drying
Use a micro-fiber towel or a tee-shirt to Plop your hair to air dry in a self-contained mound on top of your head. This technique can help retain curls' shape, definition, and volume,
Micro-Plopping Before Air-Drying
Use a microfiber towel to slowly pat and scrunch the water out. With this method, compared to plopping, your hair will appear longer, more defined and with less volume.
If you are saying how the heck do I plop?? I've got you covered,

Spend less time on your hair and more time in the sun.
There are so many ways to air-dry your hair! The method you choose should depend on the results you wish to achieve.
Whichever method you choose, don’t forget to break the curl cast after your hair is 100% dry for beautiful soft curls.